Data Privacy Webinar Overview

On-Demand Webinar:
StreamedMar 25, 2024Duration30 minutes
  • Unlimited & shareable access starting two business days after live stream
  • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet devices 24/7
  • Take-away toolkit
  • Ability to download webinar video
  • Presenter's contact info for questions
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A Complimentary On-Demand Webinar for Our Valued Webinar Participants!

Data privacy laws and regulations are being put in place around the world, yet very few in the financial industry have taken any action. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has begun to issue fines and penalties, yet most in the financial sector do not understand what data privacy is and how it is similar to and different from data security. This complimentary webinar will delve into the difference.
  • Understand what data privacy is and how it impacts financial institutions
  • Review several CFPB fines to understand the risks
  • Distinguish between data security and data privacy
  • Identify 16 privacy harms that can affect your institution
  • Ascertain the areas of your information security program that can be repurposed for your data privacy program
  • Explain the various roles and responsibilities of data privacy in a financial institution


Data privacy is a hot topic in technology today as organizations wrestle with how to keep sensitive data private. The European Union and 15 additional countries have adopted comprehensive data privacy legislation, and over half of the states in the U.S. have passed or have proposed data privacy legislation.

The capacity of artificial intelligence is exploding, and banking is starting to take advantage of the technology, further compounding the cybersecurity and data privacy risks. Attend this complimentary webinar to learn what data privacy is, how it is different from data security, and what needs to be done in your financial institution to protect consumer data privacy interests.


This informative session will benefit leadership and technology staff. The president, CEO, COO, and other c-suite personnel should attend to understand this emerging issue and begin to plan for its impact. Security and technology staff will learn the issue from a technical and cyber perspective. Marketing and human resources staff should also attend to understand their role in data privacy protection.


  • A one-page overview of data privacy and the 16 risks which need to be assessed
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.


"Protecting the privacy of members has always been a critical function of Credit Union but it has not always been clearly identified. This webinar overview defined data privacy and provided applicable methods to effectively maintain data privacy for members."
- Garvin, USF Federal Credit Union

Presented By

Dr. Kevin StreffDr. Kevin Streff
American Security and Privacy, LLC