Health Savings Accounts 101: Basic Operations, Plan Establishment, Eligibility & Contributions
April 8, 2025
Live Webinar:
DateApr 8, 2025Duration90 minutes
12:00 PM PDT01:00 PM MDT
02:00 PM CDT03:00 PM EDT
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- Available on desktop, mobile & tablet
- Take-away toolkit
- Presenter’s contact info for questions
On-Demand Webinar:
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- Presenter's contact info for questions
HSAs are becoming more popular, and accountholder questions are becoming more frequent.
Can you describe an HSA’s
features, eligibility components, and benefits? Are you adept at the more
nerve-wracking aspects, like partial-year eligibility, and changes from family
to individual coverage – and vice versa? Join us to learn some of the
better-kept secrets of HSA savings and the creative, tax-protected ways they
can be used for medical and nonmedical purposes alike!
- Contrast an HSA with a traditional health insurance plan
- Decipher an individual’s annual contribution limit
- Name some of the more frequent errors for which corrections are requested
- Describe common misconceptions about HSA administration
- Explain what to do when an HSA owner dies
- Recall ways financial institution staff – and platforms - sometimes overstep, and best practices to avoid doing so
A health savings account (HSA) is a special type of
savings account. An HSA is a tax-qualified savings account that allows HSA
owners to set aside money on a tax-sheltered basis to cover the cost of
qualified medical expenses for themselves and other qualifying family members.
These plans are growing in popularity and provide a trifecta of tax benefits,
including tax-deductible contributions, tax-deferred growth, and tax-free
distributions. HSA owners can either pay the expenses at the time they are
incurred or, if they choose, reimburse themselves at some time in the future.
With all these features, an HSA paired with a high-deductible
health plan (HDHP) offers a compelling alternative to traditional health
insurance plans. This webinar will define an HSA, explain the eligibility
requirements, and name the unique features and benefits. Further, it will dive
into the funding and HDHP limits that will enable you to supply superb service
to your HSA owners. Don’t miss this chance to learn the ins and outs of HSA
accounts and up your game.
This informative session
is designed for individuals who are fielding HSA questions, managing
accountholders’ HSA transactions, researching HSA overdrafts and excess
contributions, and interfacing with HSA beneficiaries.
- Link to IRS Publication 969
- Link to the HSA plan establishment model form
- Links to the HSA contribution and distribution IRS reporting forms and instructions that drive unique in-house transaction forms and procedures
- Employee training log
- Interactive quiz
- PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
- Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission,
or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by
your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible
participants only.
Presented By
Convergent Retirement Plan Solutions, LLC
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