The Credit Union Difference
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- Take-away toolkit
- Ability to download webinar video
- Presenter's contact info for questions
For over 100 years, the credit union movement has had a profoundly positive impact on communities across the country. As not-for-profit financial services cooperatives, credit unions’ foundational structure sets them apart from others in the financial sector. Credit union boards are comprised of volunteers and have supervisory committees that act as a watchdog for the members. In addition, there are seven cooperative principles that drive the industry.
The credit union “difference” is more relevant than ever. CUs are better able to assist those who are often underserved by banks, offer better rates for loans and deposits, and treat members more like family. Members are the sole focus, rather than investors. There are thousands of passionate people poised to make the CU difference more apparent and move it forward. For instance, millennials have shown great interest and willingness to get involved with community-oriented programs that positively impact the world. This is a must-attend session for all staff and volunteers.
Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits.
- The structure of credit unions as nonprofits
- History behind the credit union movement
- Seven cooperative principles that drive the industry
- How credit unions benefit their members and communities
- Communicating the CU difference and value to members and prospective members
- Using the passion of the movement’s founders to impact today’s market
- International credit union operating principles
- 7 cooperative principles team worksheet
- Employee training log
- NEW – Interactive quiz
This must-attend session is crucial for new staff, but will also benefit all credit union employees, volunteers, and training teams.