credit union webinars

An advocate for the transformation of credit unions

Choose from 250+ live and on-demand credit union webinars offering essential content for employees at all levels of your CU.
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Wisconsin (Wisconsin Credit Union League)

Helping Wisconsin's Credit Unions Perform!

For over eighty years, Wisconsin Credit Union League has been steadfastly dedicated to its core purpose: promoting the credit union difference.  The League is dedicated to serving Wisconsin's credit unions and promoting the credit union difference through advocacy, education, and public service.

Credit Union Dispatch

Maggie Lena Walker — First Female Bank Owner in

Maggie Lena Walker — First Female Bank Owner in the US.

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Credit Union Reference Guide: 100+ Essential Credi

Credit Union Reference Guide: 100+ Essential Credit Union & Banking Terms

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Credit Union Reference Guide: Acronyms

Credit Union Reference Guide: Acronyms A-Z

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"Very informative and helpful. I’m new to the credit union and a new compliance officer, really learned this process through this webinar. Thank you for making the process easier to understand."
— Credit Union Compliance Officer attending the "SAFE Act: Tracking, Renewing & Compliance" webinar

Our Webinar Partner

The Credit Union Webinar Network (Powered by FinEd) currently partners with credit union associations to deliver quality webinar training for bankers in all 50 states. The synergy of these relationships allows us to successfully deliver 150+ NEW webinars annually.

Covering critical issues for every level of credit unions.

The reason for our success? A 40-year reputation; industry experts with long-term, real-life, hands-on experience; extensive knowledge of technology that enables us to deliver webinars of the highest quality; and above all, a commitment to superior customer service.
Are you ready to grow your capabilities?
Credit Union Webinars