Dale Sheller

Dale Sheller

The Baker Group LP
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Dale Sheller is an Associate Partner in the Financial Strategies Group at The Baker Group. He joined the firm in 2015 after six years as a bank examiner with the FDIC. Dale holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and a master’s degree in business administration from Oklahoma State University.

He works with clients on investment portfolio strategies, interest rate risk management, liquidity risk management, and regulatory issues. Dale regularly speaks at educational seminars nationwide and serves as a faculty member for multiple banking schools.


The Baker Group has been a trusted financial partner helping community financial institutions improve their decision-making, interest rate risk management, and investment portfolio performance since 1979.

In 1981, founder James V. Baker revolutionized financial risk management with his publication, Asset/Liability Management. Dr. Baker recommended integrating interest rate risk and investment portfolio management with balance sheet management to better monitor and measure interest rate risk and improve overall performance. By applying Baker’s “total bank” approach, community financial institutions were able to adapt to the changing market throughout the years.

The Baker Group is one of the nation’s largest independently owned securities firms specializing in investment portfolio and interest rate risk management for community financial institutions nationwide.

Check out this podcast with Dale Sheller as he answers questions about interest rate risk management:

Liquidity Risk Management
Liquidity Risk Management Liquidity Risk Management
Presented by Dale Sheller
Auditing & Accounting + 2 more
Auditing & Accounting + 2 more
Interest Rate Risk Management Today
Interest Rate Risk Management TodayInterest Rate Risk Management Today
Presented by Dale Sheller
Auditing & Accounting + 5 more
Auditing & Accounting + 5 more