Reg CC: Check Holds, Check 21, Remote Deposit Capture & Reg D
On-Demand Webinar:
StreamedJul 17, 2024Duration90 minutes
- Unlimited & shareable access starting two business days after live stream
- Available on desktop, mobile & tablet devices 24/7
- Take-away toolkit
- Ability to download webinar video
- Presenter's contact info for questions
Reg CC is the driving force that governs the way many everyday financial transactions are handled.
But don’t let its ubiquity lead
to complacency! From Check 21 to check holds to remote deposit capture, and
more, you need to ensure that every transaction is handled right every time.
Join this impactful webinar to get expert insight and hone your skills.
- List the items subject to next-day availability
- Know the exemptions from early withdrawal penalties under Reg D
- Define electronic payments for next-day availability purposes
- Explain why items submitted via remote deposit capture are not subject to regulatory hold timeframes
- Distinguish between substitute checks and check copies provided to accountholders
Check rules span a wide range of issues, including
how holds can be applied, the length of holds depending on the type of deposit,
special rules that apply to checks converted to image replacement documents,
new account holds, and more. In addition to learning the proper hold timeframes
and your institution’s other responsibilities regarding holds, notifications,
and extensions, this jam-packed program will also touch on which deposits are
exempt from the hold restrictions under Reg CC. Under Check 21, your
institution has to comply with certain timing and notification requirements,
particularly when an accountholder makes a claim regarding a substitute check.
This informative session will
benefit anyone who interacts with accountholders when making deposits or
inquiries, including tellers, call center employees, branch personnel,
back-office staff responsible for check returns and holds, investigation staff,
compliance professionals, and auditors.
- Check hold chart
- Check 21 cheat sheet
- List of internet resources
- Employee training log
- Interactive quiz
- PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
- Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission,
or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by
your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible
participants only.
Presented By
Mary-Lou Heighes
Compliance Plus, Inc.
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