Banking Ethics, Conflicts of Interest & Compliance for Staff

September 12, 2024
Live Webinar:
DateSep 12, 2024Duration90 minutes
12:00 PM PDT01:00 PM MDT
02:00 PM CDT03:00 PM EDT
  • Unlimited connections for your institution
  • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet
  • Take-away toolkit
  • Presenter’s contact info for questions
On-Demand Webinar:
  • Unlimited & shareable access starting two business days after live stream
  • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet devices 24/7
  • Take-away toolkit
  • Ability to download webinar video
  • Presenter's contact info for questions
See Registration Options

Do you know and understand the banking ethics guidelines that apply to you?

Could you identify a conflict of interest? Do you know that some ethical violations can even lead to personal liability? This must-attend webinar will explore staff members’ ethical duties and responsibilities. Don’t miss this opportunity to ensure you stay on the straight and narrow.
  • Define what is meant by “banking ethics”
  • Understand what constitutes a conflict of interest in the work environment
  • Distinguish situations where an employee’s personal conduct might violate the institution’s code of conduct
  • Explain the rules that prohibit an employee from disclosing private and confidential information
  • Use diversity, equity, and inclusion standards for the benefit of your institution


Banking ethics are important rules that all financial institution employees must follow. Any conflict of interest could adversely affect the staff member’s judgment or job performance. Moreover, certain situations can result in personal liability. This risk increases for both employees and financial institutions when these important rules aren’t understood.

This webinar will fully explain the ethical duties and responsibilities of team members, which will help protect employees from personal liability and shield the financial institution as well.


This informative session is designed for all employees, managers, human resources personnel, compliance officers, internal auditors, and attorneys.


  • Sample table of contents for a financial institution’s code of conduct (so you don’t overlook any legal requirement or important topic)
  • Employee training log
  • Interactive quiz
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
  • Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

Presented By

Elizabeth Fast, JD & CPAElizabeth Fast
Spencer Fane LLP