Internal Compliance Monitoring & Risk Assessment

December 5, 2024
Live Webinar:
DateDec 5, 2024Duration90 minutes
12:00 PM PST01:00 PM MST
02:00 PM CST03:00 PM EST
  • Unlimited connections for your institution
  • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet
  • Take-away toolkit
  • Presenter’s contact info for questions
On-Demand Webinar:
  • Unlimited & shareable access starting two business days after live stream
  • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet devices 24/7
  • Take-away toolkit
  • Ability to download webinar video
  • Presenter's contact info for questions
See Registration Options

Further details will be available 45 days prior to the webinar date.

*This webinar has been moved from August 11 to December 5, 2024

Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits

NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

Presented By

DentEmilyEmily Dent
Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC