2024 Call Report Series

Live Webinar:
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  • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet
  • Take-away toolkit
  • Presenter’s contact info for questions
On-Demand Webinar:
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  • Available on desktop, mobile & tablet devices 24/7
  • Take-away toolkit
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  • Presenter's contact info for questions
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Preparing and filing the Call Report is estimated to take over 80,000 hours a year, according to the NCUA.

This huge time commitment and the vast number of disclosures opens the door for mistakes, which can be penalized up to $1 million per day! This series will create awareness of recent changes and arm you with the necessary resources to prepare and analyze Call Reports.

Purchase webinars individually or buy the whole series to save 10%!


90-minute webinars - available live or on-demand
  • 2024 Call Report Update & Top 10 Errors
  • Call Report Fundamentals for New Preparers & Reviewers
  • Financial Accounting & Reporting
  • Auditing Call Reports: Compliance & Best Practices

NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

Included Webinars:

Auditing Call Reports: Compliance & Best Practices
Oct 8, 2024Webinar

Auditing Call Reports: Compliance & Best Practices

Call Reports contain a significant amount of information, but how is that information evaluated by examiners and auditors? The Call Report tells a story about the operations and complexity of the credit union and impacts the extent of the procedures performed. There are countless disclosures that also appear in a credit union’s financial statements and are validated as part of the audit process. This session will provide insights so that you are prepared for your next audit and examination.
2024 Call Report Update & Top 10 Errors

2024 Call Report Update & Top 10 Errors

Whether you are a veteran or new to the Call Report process, staying abreast of changes – including changes in the examiners’ gaze – can be challenging. This beneficial program will provide the scoop on new information you should know and reveal the top 10 errors so you can increase accuracy and avoid mistakes.
Call Report Series: Call Report Fundamentals for New Preparers & Reviewers

Call Report Fundamentals for New Preparers & Reviewers

With Call Reports, accuracy is paramount, but so is timeliness. NCUA reinstated civil money penalties for failing to submit NCUA Form 5300 Call Report on time, effective January 1, 2024 – up to $1 million per day! This practical program will give new preparers and reviewers essential, expert insights into the world of call reporting.
Financial Accounting & Reporting

Financial Accounting & Reporting

Call Report financial statements can be tricky to prepare. Do you understand the nuances and potential for errors? Are you skilled at preparing Schedules B, C, and D? Join this webinar to get expert advice, clarity, and examples so you can do it right the first time!